PA system

turn on and off pa system

Turn on Microphones Receiver

turn on microphone receiver

Turn on mixer

  1. turn on power switch

This switch is located below the Mixer

mixer currently off state

press this button to turn on

This is located behind right side of the Mixer.  Press this to turn on the mixer

mixer is turning on

Once you press the power at the back this will be shown on the screen.  Kindly wait for it to go into the Menu before proceeding to switch on other things.

mixer is now on

Upon reaching this screen you can proceed to turn on the other devices.

2. Turn on Speaker & Amp Switch

turn on both switches

This is located in between of the CCTV Cabinet and the Mixer Cabiner

push down switch on

This is situated above the previous switches or behind the CCTV monitor.

3. turn on speakers

Turn the keys twice to the right (clock wise) to power up the Speakers.

4. turn on pre-amp

Situated at the lowest part of the rack.  Turn this on.

5. Turn on stage monitors

Situated at the right side of the PA Rack.  Press the top button to turn on the stage monitors.



2. switch off stage monitors

Situated at the right side of the PA Rack.  Press the top button to turn on the stage monitors.

3. switch off pre-amp

Situated at the lowest part of the rack.  Turn this off.

4. switch off speakers

Turn the keys twice to the left(anti-clock wise) to power up the Speakers.

switch off both switches

This is located in between of the CCTV Cabinet and the Mixer Cabinet

push up to switch off

This is situated above the previous switches or behind the CCTV monitor.

5. press setup on the mixer

This will go into the system menu, and take notice on the bottom left of the LCD screen

6.Press knob to shut down

Turn off Microphones Receiver

turn off microphone receiver